Investing in your essence
Hello There! And welcome to Essence Attunement, I hope you have been finding yourself at home on my page :) This blog is about sharing my personal insights which I have found inspiring and that have assisted me on my path of attuning to my unique essence. The latest insight and practice for me, is investing in my essence. Let me elaborate what this looks like.
Investing doesn't just have to be in the form of monetary value, it could be time, it could be commitment, it could be trust. It could be a combination of all of it! I am currently living in Brazil, and little by little I will more and more elaborate on my story and how I got here. But basically I've been following my heart, no clear conventional staked out path, but trusting my gut and seeing where it goes. The last 30 days I have been in mostly isolation, as I am sitting my friends house, cats and plants while they are in India. This has given me a lot of time to myself, to reflect about the direction of my life and what it is I would like. Not to mention that coincidentally.. or synchronistically, however you would like to call it, around the same time I pulled out of the project that originally pulled me back to Brazil. This was very unsettling for me because I so wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself, in a sense to be 'taken care of' yet also give my gifts to the evolvement as well of that project. Also simultaneously my divorce finalized, which we have been separated for almost 2 years, and in that time, I've been soul searching, finding myself, finding my own two feet and what that feels like to be on my own and creating my own life, not attached to any one thing outside of myself.
In these last 30 days, I started to see that the stability I was looking for, is within. If I want to create my life, I have to create it. I can't expect my dream job to fall out of the clouds or the perfect people to just show up. (Although this can happen too ;) -- the reality here is if and when those items do show up... are we even ready to embrace them, are they ready to embrace us?, I've witnessed the last almost 2 years, so many such opportunities falling into my lap, yet simultaneously slipping through my fingers. I started to question, what is going on here? What kind of karma do I have that these things are not working out? The answer is not outside of myself, the answer is not about changing the nature of the universe or the projects or anything, it's about me stepping up to the plate, knowing my strengths and weaknesses, being brave enough to grab them by their tails and proudly hold them true to myself and share them. Because it's only in sharing our truth, that we are able to manifest our full essence.
So the work began. I began writing. I began collecting information. I began to brainstorm my strengths and the things that I have worked on for so long, and the things that ring true for me and the things that make me excited to wake up in the morning, and the things that hold the most importance for me, and the things that people might even actually appreciate enough that when I share them, I might actually be able to make a living for myself.
And what are the things that we naturally are always learning about, curious about, clicking on, opening in our browsers? What are the things that we are willing to invest our money in, that mean the most to us? What are the things that we are really good at, but we are afraid to tell anyone about? What are the things about us that make us stranger and more bizarre than the rest of humanity? What is our unique essence???
I'm in the process of unraveling it, and as I get closer, life keeps opening up. And suddenly it seems to matter less the exact alignments of my external world because internally, I'm free. I'm full of expression, I'm full of my essence, and I am content with that on this beautiful Earth.
So I have been investing my time, I have been investing my energy, I have been investing my commitment. And recently I have also been investing my money. I used to have this belief that money was sacred and it needed to be saved. That I cannot spend on anything except things absolutely for my immediate survival. As I am living off of a small savings at the moment, it felt unjustified to spend any money outside of immediate bodily necessities. Yet, as I have been learning more and reading more from successful individuals who have plenty of it ... They emphasize the importance is putting money where there is value. Where you learn, and not just formal education but the strange things that really perk your interest.
So I enrolled in Alana Fairchild's healing course. I believe that life is a journey, and no matter where we are, there's always more opportunities to learn and grow. The moment we think we know life, is the moment that the mystery just might open up a little more... and just puts us into stagnation with our surroundings. I was introduced to Alana Fairchild through her cards! She has some of the most beautiful inspired cards I have ever seen and read, and that fill the soul with such beauty and courage every time I take them out. If you don't know of them, check them out :)
But it feels good. It feels good to be surrounding myself with people on similar wavelengths that I am also developing within myself. Healing abilities and empathic abilities and flowing with this divine orchestra dance of life abilities :)
So if you really want to take your essence to the next level. Start investing, even if it's 10 minutes a day, even if it's 10 dollars for a DailyOM program, even if it's a little extra effort to do something you love with consciousness. It pays off big. Small steps creates big changes over time. Believe in yourself. Believe in your efforts, invest in you, and the magic of life will work the rest out :)