Grounding when energy is intense
We often forget how important it is to ground either physically and or energetically and most likely both. Especially when we go through massive energy shifts in our being or changes in our physical environment or level of existence on any level. Anxiety is normal! Everyone knows the feeling of butterflies and excitement, and this is beautiful but it also is the exact actually same feeling as anxiety the difference is the way the brain interprets it. Hence why public speaking often either gives people a 'thrill' or makes them want to throw up.
There are many ways to ground. And depending on the type of disturbance you are facing there may be different methods that can help your energy the best.
If your anxiety keeps you from properly eating. This can be one of the most intense forms of energy shifts. What can help, is going for lighter foods, they have less impact on the digestive system -- such as whole grains - unseasoned, fruits, vegetables, vegetables juices, nuts and seeds, also legumes, fatty foods can be very helpful such as nut butters, coconut oil, and avocados. When one's anxiety is in overload sometimes heavy foods can really be taxing on the body and can cause massive headaches and other bodily and also energetic blockages while you are in such a sensitive state. The other item is eating as often as you can since, large meals during this time can be hard.
If the internal spinning is very severe, please find some patch of earth, take of your shoes and ground out. Showers and being in water can also be helpful and using salt on the body can also help you bring yourself back to the present moment.
If the symptoms are less physical, and more psychological, if you are eating well, and enough or perhaps too much. Meditation is key here. That internal spinning is looking for an outlet, and because you aren't doing your practice, it's making it's own outlet. Sit down, feel into it, so the energy can leave your body in a conscious refined way. This practice is not easy, but over time it allows you to have greater control over how your energy is moved within your body, and builds the internal fire to an amount that is just enough to keep you grounded, yet not so much that it ignites into rage.
Which is the other end of the spectrum, if your emotions have taken over you, sadness or anger or disgust ... etc. It's time to ground out. It's time to get into nature and talk seriously with the trees, tell them your challenges and notice your surroundings. Notice the peace that abides in that forest. If you don't have access to nature, find a park, find your backyard or meditate while looking at a tree outside of your window. Focus on an item outside of yourself and breath. You always have breathe at your disposal, remember that.
Grounding helps us feel stable in our environment, it gives us confidence of our support from our mother earth and our heavenly skies. It allows us to pursue our goals and our dreams in small and steadfast motions .