High on Life
What do we do usually on a day to day basis. Are we enjoying? Are we creating and experimenting and trying new things? Have we folded with the bends and playing out our daily tasks without much thought? Are we stuck, frozen, unsure of our next step? Are we living in the past or fear of the future? How do we get back on track? How do we infuse life with life force with vital energy to be alive to be well!
It starts with small actions, and maybe it starts with big actions. But it starts with self. It doesn't start with your husband giving you more attention. It doesn't start with your daughter just finally waking up on time without you having to go in there. It doesn't start with the corruption in the government to be magically cleared up. It doesn't start with going back in time to have parents who are enlightened and knew exactly how to raise you right.
It takes, you.
That's it.
It takes you to recognize your situation for what it is. And what it is is inclusive of all that is, not just your perspective on it.
You want to learn Spanish. You always wanted to go to a Spanish speaking country. Your attempts at learning Spanish proved fruitless, yet you still end up in a Spanish speaking country. You stumble your way around, and beat yourself up for not knowing more, for not studying more before, and maybe even for not having the brain equipped to hold a second language.
What's going on here? We are missing the point. You are in a beautiful Spanish speaking country, where there are so many other cues to a culture than just orally. The colors, the food, the warmth in the people, the way they greet each other, the smell in the kitchens, and the looks of the buildings and streets. What are we choosing to miss out on, when we focus on thoughts that belittle and narrow in on the lack.
What a beautiful thing to not speak the language. What a beautiful thing to experience energy flow between two people who cannot speak the same language yet still automatically connect and have a friendship. What a precious gift from the universe. What a cute thing to go to the supermarket, fumbling over the speech while both you and the teller laugh at the inability to communicate properly. And how this must be adding some excitement to her day over figuring out new ways to ask you questions through her facial expressions and hand movements. What a fun thing to experience being brave enough to live in a place where you cannot speak the same language as everyone else. What a beautiful thing to fully engulf yourself in the sounds and music of another language that otherwise may not be noticed if you were focused on the meanings of the expressions being uttered. How wonderful to be in peace no matter where and what is going on, to never be put on the spot because you can't speak the language anyway.
It doesn't discredit the moments when being fluent would be amazing, beautiful and so heart enriching.. but don't forget that we are on a journey and for everything we may feel awful about there is another story going on, a really beautiful one, just waiting to be opened and delivered to your heart.
Where's the bliss and joy in finally learning the language if it didn't take some effort to get there <3
The answers aren't outside of ourselves, they lie within our perspectives. If others aren't doing what we want them, or if ilfe is shaping as we would imagine or if we aren't what we want ourselves to be... Where is the joy in who we are presently. What is the fun in our situation just now. And what beauty is waiting to be opened inside of our perspectives. Namaste.