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Allowing life to guide us

Sometimes we need to take initiative. Sometimes we need to make a decision. And sometimes we are in moments where we know that the decision we make will change the course of our lives. And how do we make those decisions? When we are at a crossroads, especially in terms of what we choose to study, what job we choose to take, what relationship we choose to pursue. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the positive and the negative of every choice.

For me, I've definitely felt in certain situations that no answer would ever come. That I was so confused beyond a doubt that I really had no idea. And sometimes in these moments, all we really need is to breathe. To realize that there may be fruit on the tree, but it's not quite ripe yet. likewise, our decisions aren't either. When we are so drowning in the possibilities. It probably means that it's not the right time for a decision. That we need to wait it out just a bit more, perhaps we need more information. In what ways can we seek more information? More time together with a person or a situation, more interviews, more questions, more something. And perhaps the more of the something is the more digging deep into our core. What are the things that are truly most important to you? If you lived in an ideal version of yourself or of your reality, which path would you pursue? Would there be one option that later on down the road would close if you didn't take it now. Is there one option that you always dreamed about doing? Is there one option that really makes you excited on a gut level? There are the 'should-do's', and then there are the 'oh my god, I have this opportunity and it is kind of crazy and I should be more responsible than this, but I may think of this for the rest of my life if I don't do it.'

I am not talking about reasons for doing insincere or destructive things. Things that inflate the ego and could be destructive to others. I'm talking about the sweet things of the soul. I'm talking about the talents the pursuits, the dreams not connected to fleeting material things and or intense attractions to people. I'm talking about the sincere connections of the soul with certain aspects of life, whether it be music, beauty, environment, beautiful ideas, adventures.. etc.

Things that add beauty to this world when we fully connect to our heart and our joys.

I've been in so many situations in my life where I almost chose the more traditional path. I almost walked away from amazing adventures and the most beautiful experiences I could hope to have because I was worried about being irresponsible. But everytime, always a friend or a stranger would somehow nudge me in the other direction. What do you have to lose? What an amazing opportunity. No that is non-sense, don't listen to the mind, listen to the heart! Just do it!

And I can say that I don't regret any of those decisions.

Of course there are moments where we need to buckle down. We need to stick it out, we need to fight that thing inside of us that just wants to give up and give in and find a different path.

The questions we need to ask ourselves is this:

1- What was the reason we started this thing in the first place? Are these reasons still applicable to us now?

2- Will we miss out on our bigger vision and our bigger dream if we choose to pull out? Will this opportunity deflate our ability in the workplace and not allow others to find us as easily in terms of what we really want to do?

3- Are there bigger things coming our way, is it necessary for us to re-evaluate our first decisions in order to take on a bigger role the universe has provided? Can this shift be done in a way that doesn't discredit or devalue the people who helped get us to the place we are at now?

4- Is it of stable foundation? If something goes wrong, will we be out of luck out of all the things we built? Is it a bigger risk than an opportunity? Can it wait for a time till the last commitments or finalized?

Sometimes we are in moments of our life where we have stability, yet some things just aren't quite in order. It can be easy to sink into despair and desperation to organize these components of our life. But we can also choose to breathe. We can also choose to see the space and the freedom of movement within the 'spaces' of our life. Every aspect of this journey can be beautiful if we choose to focus on an expansive view rather than a limited perspective.

As we open up to the inner joy of the present moment, magic things can happen. As we open up to dedicating to small things throughout our day to work on the things that are our biggest weaknesses, we will slowly make it there. We don't have to have everything at once. We can take it slow. We can take it easy. We can trust that life will bring us what we need for every next level of the journey, but it won't work alone. It takes two to tango. You take a step, the universe takes a step, you take a step and the universe takes a step, and so on and so forth.

We must put effort into our growth. Sometimes it's natural and sometimes it's not. And sometimes we may be facing barriers we are not even in recognition of but are severely limiting our ability to move freely as we like in our bodies or minds or in the world. Depression and anxiety are aspects of life can be haunting and sometimes we don't even know they are plaguing us, and we become defeated and haunted at the reasons why we can't seem to get ourselves together. It's okay. We don't need to have ourselves together. We just need to have enough of a will to take one step. Perhaps it could be in calling a friend, or a counsellor. Sometimes we can use a bit of some help to crawl out of those deep realms. Or we could choose for ourselves. Starting with some small happy step, reading a page of our favorite book per day. Setting very small goals for ourselves. If we aren't achieving those goals the goals aren't small enough! Allow yourself to feel comfortable and confident in the direction that you are going. World wonders aren't build in a day, they start with an idea, they start with talking, they start with one small action step at a time.

We tend to create our to-do lists and we tend to prioritize certain things every time, and every time our weakest links become more weak. This is fine if our strong points are strong enough to make up for the weakest links. Yet if our weakest links are actually the keys to obtaining our goals and our drives and our dreams... then we need to start making cuts in other places to prioritize the things that we know we need.

And little by little we can get there. And the more we trust that life also wants us to get there, the more we will feel safer in every step we take.

May you be bold and brave, delicate and patient in all of your decisions, may you obtain all of your brightest dreams and capture your true essence in everything you do.

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