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Embracing the highest vibration of Love

We have come to understand that falling in love is about two people who really fall into a connection. That combines attraction with something deeper. A component where parts of them match parts of us, and there is a beautiful union within that.

And in the beginning the feelings can be intense as we navigate our feelings and continually check in with the other either energetically or verbally whether they are also matching the love we are feeling for them. And in this dance we in some ways lose our minds. Logic is sometimes present and sometimes isn't. We make rash decisions, we go out of our way to fit them into our lives and our schedules. Our heart skips a beat as they answer our texts. There's freedom in the beginning, there is presence to what is happening, and a curiosity and excitement about discovering the full other.

As time goes on, and more emotions are shared, perhaps it comes to the stage where it begins to fold in. There is comfort in the togetherness and also fear of losing any part of that. Hence, a relationship forms. There's no judgment in this, it's a natural process, as the other has completely gripped our senses and there's not much else we can begin to focus on anyway.

Yet is there another way of embracing love?

Often as this relationship unfolds, the two become more one. And they work together to make sure that all needs are met in unison. In a healthy relationship that is, an ideal state. Where giving is the priority over getting.

Yet often what happens, is an expectation of the other to provide for us in certain ways. To fulfill the gaps that we haven't been able to fulfill in ourselves. Hence the energy for the other person becomes more of a caregiver, and obligation, and as they are seen less and less for who they are but for what they give, they also lose their identity within the relationship. Yet this can often become a two way street where both parties expect a certain standard from the other and in some ways becomes a new form of imprisonment.

The excitement fades and the daily drum rolls in. Not to say that joy never happens or can't be present. But a higher frequency of love in relationships may allow for different kind of everlasting joy.

This would require immense self trust and responsibility to self in taking ownership of all emotional states fully, there would be no need or requirement for a boundedness, no need or requirement for that person to fulfill any needs we think we need provided by them. We don't need them to clean, cook, touch us, talk to us, be nice, be faithful, be supportive... nothing.

We have the ability to choose to exit a relationship if it doesn't feel fun or supportive and we aren't having a joyful time, yet we can be clear that it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves and to provide ourselves the happiness we deserve and need. Ultimately it's not our partners responsibility to give us anything for our happiness. We can choose to relish in the mere fact that our partners are showing up in whatever way they are for us, and choose bliss from those moments. We have that choice and that opportunity. Love is not control. Love is not getting things. Love is seeing the other person as beauty and thanking the divine for bringing such a precious gift to us.

True love is our connection to the divine and the divinity of all beings and Earth! Our love for our partners is also that, our joy in the gift that the creator has given us and satisfaction in his mere existence and presence in our life. When we put all of our joy and love in a person rather than the divine or all of the divines creations, we forget the true nature of the universe and our own spirit, which is everything is a foundation of love. That love is seeping through to us through every avenue imaginable, it's only us that has chosen through mental constructs to block out the universal flow of love.

The more we open up to the divinity of nature and gratitude for witnessing such a beautiful connection, the more we are able to let go of our tight grip of what love means and really open our hearts to the Pure bliss and joy of the present moment with zero expectations, hence any action penetrates the heart and the soul so deeply because we have allowed our controlling minds to step out of the picture so we can be present with the real gratifying nature of reality. The joyous beauty in the unknown of every unraveling present that divine has for us, and is ready to present. But in order to receive we have to get out of our heads about what love means, and what receiving means.

We have to be open in full trust that the divine is doing everything in its power to sway to our every wish and command.

Trust it.

Fall in love, really. <3 with this beautiful journey and the divine beings in it <3

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