Identifying and Expelling Negative Energy
Identifying and Expelling Negative Energy and or Demons
*This topic came very clear to me as I was working with the Spectible Orchid Essence.
The biggest navigation system we have in life comes down to our emotions. What brings peace and what brings resistance. What inspires us and what caves us in. If we start paying attention to this we begin the journey to great inner discovery. The secret of our biological organism, what things make us tick and what things shut us down. How we bring health to ourselves and how we bring sickness. These are all valuable resources for us as we navigate this journey.
I had pretty much been living blindly to many of the demons that existed within me until almost 10 years ago. I entered an altered state of consciousness through meditation and to be absolutely honest about it, it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I entered a new consciousness without the use of drugs and I didn’t know how to navigate my thoughts in a way that wouldn’t end me up in a psych ward.
Luckily, there were a few ex-monks (I was in India at the time, slightly more common to happen there) who were helpful in helping me navigate my thoughts/ the thoughts that were happening inside of my head. Whether they were mine or not, is up to discussion. But ultimately, today, I view thoughts as a neutral force but depending on the kinds of thoughts we hold on to, it could be a toxic force in our life or a healing force. If those thoughts are a toxic force we are holding on to or believing - then in my mind that is equivalent to demons, basically living inside of your brain telling you who you are and what you should do, what is right and what is wrong. And that whole situation is of course, toxic.
If those attachments to thoughts bring you into peaceful places and realms, then this could be equivalent to guardian angels or guides. Angelic forces having a positive effect on you.
Whatever the vernacular is, whether we are looking at it through a very scientific paradigm, or under another context such as Buddhism or other spiritual or religious context, the effects are the same. We are looking to eradicate the toxic thoughts, energy, symptoms, attachments, behaviors, etc that basically bring in depression, anxiety, distrust, hatred, ill-will pointed towards others or self, etc. We are seeking to become more compassionate, loving, altruistic, genuinely better human beings in terms of having a peaceful life and also being of good nature for our fellow humans and animals and other beings who share space with us.
My first lesson in eradicating demons.
Identifying them
They are sometimes the long-time friends of our brain. They feel like they are apart of us and they are telling us the truth. It feels comfortable because it feels true to us, even if it makes us feel miserable and wanting to pull ourselves out of society. Alternatively, it may make us want to prove ourselves to another outside of ourselves since we will never be good enough for ourselves because we know the ‘truth’.
It’s usually the thoughts or behaviors that in some way we think we need. Or that are ‘truth’. “I am worthless”, “I have never done anything right hence I never will be able to do anything right”, “this shouldn’t be happening right now”, “I shouldn’t be feeling this” “I am crazy”, “I have lost my mind.” “this isn’t normal”, “I'm not normal”. Usually it will have crazy amounts of evidence to back up the story that is making you feel completely worthless. But essentially it all revolves around the same things — It’s a judgment about who you are and what you are, what you are experiencing and basically telling you that it’s not good enough, and that either it needs to be fixed immediately or will never be able to be fixed. It’s the thoughts that create anxiety and sadness and hostility. The things that really create spiraling energy and keep you from being in the present moment. Also intense fears against certain things, that part of your heart are really wanting to experience. These voices are tremendously good at shutting them down. Again, it’s not about not having self control. It’s about valuing your biological body enough to hold it in a space of utmost compassion, understanding and care - to identify the thoughts that are bringing it’s vibration in a very low and fearful place. This is the place where the demons lurk.
Calling them out.
This can be shady business. Attempting on yourself is a very powerful way to freak them out. They don’t like to be seen. They enjoy lurking in the shadows, being among unconscious individuals who assume that this force is actually a part of them, hence to be protected and listened to. When you actually identify the demons and call them out, it’s like shining light on a troll. It has no choice but to slightly turn to stone, because suddenly you are aware that this force has been leaching off of your fear and your misery, and now that you are calling them out, it pulls your power back to you. And you get to choose to stop engaging with them and listening to them. And as this happens… it becomes more of a distant memory. After leaving my marriage, my mind was filled with demons. I was overcome by judgments of my epic failure in not being able to recover my marriage. I was the type of person who believed that if you wanted something enough and you believed in it that anything was possible. I kind of believe that life is a school to teach us how to stop judging because literally everything in my life so far that I have judged, has usually come back to me, and has taught me that to some extent we are all victims to our circumstances. We are both, there is an aspect of being utterly not in control, and there are aspects that we have leverage with, and I believe life is about, using the spaces in our life with leverage to develop into stronger and more compassionate beings. Being a victim to our circumstances teaches us humility and kindness towards others, and acting within our leverage points teaches us humility and kindness towards ourselves. So basically when we turn the thoughts onto themselves, typically they begin to fade more into the distance, because we are recognizing them for what they truly are. They are only thoughts, they aren't reality. Hence they have no real power over us, except when we learn to identify which ones are valuable and which ones aren't for our own growth as a human identity seeking to be truth and love.
Commit to your own Truth
This is actively deciding to not listen to the thoughts that tear you down. The thoughts that spiral your energy. The thoughts that make you go in one direction one day and another the next. What opportunities for joy do you have in a day? What would it take to commit to them, despite all the voices. In the beginning the energies and the voices may be loud. They may be obnoxious, they may want to torment you more and more. But through emotional releasing practices, such as EFT, meditation and or subtle frequencies - such as nature essences, you can come back to your truth. You can stay strong in your own energy system. And you can stop doubting and questioning yourself, your life, what you love, who you love, and how you are living your life. This is ultimate liberation.
Sometimes it may be helpful to have mirrors to help us show what our demons even are. Sometimes the thoughts we are so aggressively hanging on to, are actually are biggest downfall. Our biggest mirrors are typically the people we surround us by, our parents, our children, our best friend, our partners.
What things do they do that trigger us, these are usually clues to something hidden deep inside of us that wants to be heard and wants to come out.
For additional help in understanding and eradicating inner demons, there are many energetic tools that can help guide the process. In my work I offer guidance on crystal gridding systems, orchid essences, as well as sessions where we can dive deep into your psyche and discover what is blocking you from accessing your highest truth.
*This topic came to me while I was making an orchid essence which is a powerful protector essence. It raises your vibration to that of safety both in the outer experience as well as the inner. A powerful eradicator of negative entities and energy.