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The Heart Chakra: The Secret to Leaving the Matrix

The only way you can imprison a person is by making them believe they are.

We are as free as our imagination decides we are. We can choose to find meaning

in any existence. We can choose to amplify the meaning that we find on a regular basis in our lives.

I used to feel that success was having all of the things that society says you need to have. A happy relationship, a solid marriage, a home, good health, a car, stable income, a career that feels meaningful and that also supports you etc. And what happens when one, or all of those things slip away. Basically it can feel like the end of the line- if you have built your identity around those things. That’s just it… they are just things. Even in some way a relationship is a thing, because it’s not fully something that can be controlled. It’s part of this physical manifestation and we don’t get to decide when someone falls in or out of love with us. We don’t get to decide when someone returns to the divine. The only thing we get to decide is how much we love another, and what choices we make based on their existence or non-existence in our lives.

These things are often what our society puts all of our meaning into. Hence, we work our whole lives to establish these things. And we also lose a lot of meaning and experience tremendous trauma when one or more of these things become shaky or fall away from our lives. The reality is, these things are ultimately not really in our control. To some extent, we can make choices that can promote one or all of them. Yet, in this physical reality, we don’t get to decide if natural disasters will effect us or not, illnesses will take over, or the economy crashes and takes our job with it. It’s not about allowing this to undermine our efforts or create pessimism in life. But understanding that which we do have control over.

We get to choose how we respond to the items in our present moment. Instead of identifying with things, we can free ourselves from a tremendous amount of suffering by identifying with qualities, inner qualities and a curiosity to stretch what we have otherwise perceived as our limits.

Over a lifetime we construct images of ourself, of who we are, how we are, what we are good at and what we aren’t good at. In some instances, if we believe good things about ourselves, we will likely be ‘successful’ in the endeavors we choose. If we believe bad things about ourselves, we will likely not do that great and also have to work 10 times harder than others (who do believe good things about themselves) for the same thing.

Instead of believing of things that should be had, we can gain crazy traction in our lives if we begin grabbing opportunities to amplify our weaknesses. There’s no satisfaction in life quite like breaking down constrictive ideas about the self, and expanding into versions of you that you otherwise never thought were possible.

This is where the heart comes in. We often don’t listen. We often set aside that voice that is wanting something so desperately. We push it aside because of our self imposed limitations, and fear of largely - losing the possibility for stuff.

And then sometimes we listen, but we don’t listen fully. We sabotage ourselves as we move forward with some of what we hear, but we fail to ever fully believe in the voice that comes. What if you could listen, listen fully, and run with that voice. Run so hard and so fast that there is no chance for any negativity to seep into your space and shut down the creative force that is running through you.

I kept expecting that life would someday drop down onto my doorstep and open up into the magic fairyland that I kept dreaming it to be. I kept thinking that someone somewhere was going to hand me the key to the kingdom and life would be perfect from then on. I chased this idea that it was going to fall out of the sky. Yet, the more I chased the faster the biggest dreams I could possibly have would be dangled in front of my eyes, only to be ripped away just as fast as they came. After several years of living like this, I finally realized that it’s not about getting, it’s about fully being present with every item in the present moment. And giving every item in that awareness, full and complete attention. Magic really starts to happen when we slow down and open up.

It creates a magnetic pull, for life to show up and bedazzle you with synchronicities. Leaving the matrix, is essentially leaving the prison of the mind. The prison of the mind is the minds idea that joy exists out there, upon the perfection of the physical arrangements of ones life. Hence, leaving the prison is opening the heart to the beauty and the joy of finding the weak edge of our being.. and allowing our purpose and joy to be in the building of that edge. Suddenly the destination becomes the journey. It’s like when you begin snowboarding and nothing seems scarier than catching an edge and having the snowboard hurdle you into an icy landscape at 40mph. Yet, as you begin to learn the art of navigating the slope and leaning just the right amount into that edge, you have developed a skillset for navigation that becomes thrilling. The boring part is at the end of the slope. What’s to be done? The joy is in navigating and building on our weak points. And this is always possible. In fact, are there limits to expanding our weaknesses?? There are infinite and beyond ways in this physical reality of skillsets and knowledges.

It’s not about having perfect health, perfect looks, perfect home, items, clothes… this is all boring stuff… we all know what it looks like and we also know it’s not always a recipe for happiness. We like to be challenged, we like to grow, we like to bend the reality of what we know of ourselves. Yeah, we sometimes need to break some serious fear paradigms, and or discomfort paradigms, but it’s within that, that we build fire. We build something more precious than all the gemstones in the world, the essence of our character.

As we dedicate and follow the impulses of our internal compass, we are free. As we dedicate ourselves to building our meager edge, there is crazy amounts of joy in this. Sometimes the most fearful looking things, are exactly where the diamonds of spirit are. When I talk about fearful it’s usually the things that appear to be easy to others but for whatever reason, you have disowned it in yourself. Yet, you are absolutely capable of also achieving anything you set your mind to. We are just as powerful creators as we are victims to life. We are brilliant masterpieces of the divine. We are both the most lowly of lifeforms and the most inspiring. We are both completely caged by our concepts yet also completely free. We get to choose, and the more we choose to follow the rhythms of joy, the more the rhythms of joy will follow us. This isn’t dependent on anything, it’s dependent on our determination to see it through no matter what. This takes dedication of mind, spirit and soul. And it’s possible.

A shaping and identification of forces in the mind and the body that say something is impossible.. need to be identified and eradicated. Ultimately it’s about raising the vibration which can happen in a number of ways. Fresh and unprocessed plant based foods, plenty of water, positive uplifting music and lyrics, exercise, meditation, being in nature, intention, prayer, affirmations/mantras, emotional release practices — which there are thousands, energy work and skilled use of subtle frequencies from items in nature- like essences are all powerful methods to raise the vibration. Sometimes we dig ourselves into our own prisons because we refuse to challenge ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with that and sometimes it’s exactly what we need - to rest - to give up for a while. But, there’s a time when that will get boring, and your soul will want to step it up a notch again… soooo it may be time to put on those boots and hit the slopes. Enjoyment now is possible. Decide it, and watch it unfold.

Wishing you a blessed day <3

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